FORM Swim Goggles
Creative Director
Lead Digital Product Designer
Team Management
Product Strategy
UI/UX Design
Creative Direction
Videography Direction
Photography Direction
FORM Smart Swim Goggles
My time at FORM has been a ground-breaking experience for me. I joined the company as its first designer at its very early inception. From the moment I saw FORM’s pitch deck, I was drawn to the problem it was trying to solve. The problem was the pace clock and the mental math it took to do the sport. FORM, rather wanted to make swimming more enjoyable through the creation of a pair of goggles with an AR heads-up-display so you can see your time and metrics while you swim. Sounds simple enough?

Designing for a 72 x 40 pixel display and 2 buttons
The challenge in designing a simple, easy-to-use AR experience for these goggles was that the optics display only had 72×40 pixels. I therefore had to come up with the entire user-flow that would house all of the features we wanted but allow for the UI to fit within that limited space.
My philosophy when designing the experience was therefore to keep it as easy and seamless as possible. Working closely with the mech design team, we landed on the simple 2-button interaction of navigating and selecting. This paved the road for what is today the fundamental UI/UX foundation for the FORM Smart Swim Goggles.
FORM Goggles Swim Experience
This was a big piece of the UX that I came up with for the FORM Swim Goggles’ core swim experience. The machine-learning capabilities, as long as we can define the length of a pool, is able to detect when a user is swimming, turning, and resting. Therefore I came up with the design of surfacing those possible data moments to the user. This is today what is coined as the “Swim”, “Turn” and “Rest” screens.

Data and Metrics AR Design
The machine-learning team had a long list of detectable data during a user’s swim. The goggles are able to define metrics such as time, distance, pace, stroke type, stroke rate, pace per 100, and so forth. Taking the Swim, Turn, Rest experience that I designed, I came up with a UI/UX solution to be able to surface this information on the goggles’ 72×40 pixel display. I designed custom sized fonts and created the foundation for the goggles’ interface. To add, I ran numerous tests on various different users and swimmers in the pool.

FORM Swim App
The goggles are undoubtedly a large component of the experience but another very important piece of the whole package is the FORM Swim App.

Goggles Customization
A fundamental capability of these goggles was the way in which a user would customize their goggles. With the whole user-flow of Swim, Turn, Rest in mind, I designed an intuitive way on the app for the user to have the power to customize and select what they would like to see from the long list of possible ML data during those key moments of a user’s swim.
Swim Details Design
A fundamental capability of these goggles was the way in which a user would customize their goggles. With the whole user-flow of Swim, Turn, Rest in mind, I designed an intuitive way on the app for the user to have the power to customize and select what they would like to see from the long list of possible ML data during those key moments of a user’s swim.

Creative Direction, Branding and Beyond
In order for the FORM Goggles to launch into the market there naturally came marketing design. I expanded my role outside of digital product design and took on the role as the Creative Director for the company. I expanded my duties and directed videography, photography, web designs, social media, marketing collateral, even down to the office design. I expanded the design department, implemented the start of the brand guidelines in-house and helped create the visual brand that is FORM.